
Why Fairies Aren't Bad Part 1 Or Why we need to dismantle Jude0-Christian Colonization capitalist mind sets from New Age spirituality

I get asked a lot of questions about fairies, but what I get asked probably the most is: how do I know Fairies aren't dangerous? Or what about bad fairies? I have simple answers for this. Fairies are the essence of the natural world and the natural world isn't good or bad, it just is. Fairies don't experience the same kind of trauma that often creates the “bad” we experience as humans. But to really understand, we have to go deeper into a larger issue.

Most of the western world, and definitely the US, has structures set up by white colonials from a Jude0-Christian perspective. We all have spent our lives marinating in this propaganda, and it makes it hard to see things outside of that perspective. Most things are seen as hierarchies, battles between good and evil, and everything is either a reward or punishment. These are not natural laws or ways of being, yet we often project them onto the natural world and spirituality that is not Judeo-Christian based.

What am I talking about? We are put into classrooms by age, and the older you are, the higher you are in the hierarchy. This helps enforce the authority of the adults in the system. You are graded and often rewarded or punished for your behavior. That's just school. There are many articles out there about the many microaggressions that happen in our society, and that creates another hierarchy and class system. Add land ownership, financial brackets, and capitalism, and you have more class-based systems, beliefs, and warfare. “Work hard and you will be rewarded” or “Sacrifice for others and you will be taken care in kind” are the mottos of our society. All of these support the superiority of Christianity, capitalism, and class systems.

I feel like I need to put a disclaimer in here. I don't dislike Christianity. I don't want people to think I am attacking their religion. My issue is with the way Christianity has been used in the past to set up systems that benefit the few and use the many. This mindset is still prevalent today and completely separated from Christianity in some cases, with science and technology used as justification. Christianity was the label used for actions, and though it influenced, it did not cause them, and I am very aware of that. It is why I am calling out the way New Age spiritualism is being used in similar ways now.

New Age spirituality was created for privileged white women, mostly. It is used to give them a sense of purpose and fulfillment that they feel they are lacking because they live in an oppressive capitalist system that constantly tells them they are not enough and uses them as a resource also. Why wouldn't you look for answers in distant lands and other realms? It's much easier to go to yoga and trust that karma will get the oppressors than dismantle systems of oppression.

New Age spirituality was created for privileged white women, mostly. It is used to give them a sense of purpose and fulfillment that they feel they are lacking because they live in an oppressive capitalist system that constantly tells them they are not enough and uses them as a resource also. Why wouldn't you look for answers in distant lands and other realms? It's much easier to go to yoga and trust that karma will get the oppressors than dismantle systems of oppression.

Like every time I hear someone say “Karma is a Bitch,” I want to shake them and say “No, it's not a reward and punishment system! It isn't a judgment-based belief,” but I just keep my mouth shut. In a world where yoga has become an exercise class at gyms, it’s too long a conversation to have. I don’t have the time to explain that using a spiritual practice as a focus to sell clothes, “equipment,” and namaste stickers is not just cultural appropriation, it's missing the biggest part of the teachings. The journey for peace within to gain peace in the world is replaced with the journey for abs and flexibility as well as the ability to flex about how “enlightened” you are, and that's why you are not angry about the state of the world.

Yoga and karma are just a couple of the many culturally appropriated “spiritual” paths. So many have been broken into bits so people (mainly white) can find the parts they can sell, polish, and/or use to show their superiority over the “lesser vibration people.”

Yoga and karma are just a couple of the many culturally appropriated “spiritual” paths. So many have been broken into bits so people (mainly white) can find the parts they can sell, polish, and/or use to show their superiority over the “lesser vibration people.” It's what our forefathers did when they went out and claimed the land that would work best for them and gave infertile land to the “savages” they didn't kill because our ancestors were “God's chosen people” and knew what was best. We have a history of using the resources of other cultures and feeling entitled to them.

This may sound harsh, and it is. I am not exempt from this. These are my ancestors too. I am also guilty of using the lingo of the New Age movement. This is a “we” problem and looking at the harsh truths and facing them is the only way we start changing and doing better. When I talk about Fairies, I talk about how they are in every culture around the world. So I am stealing from every culture. In some ways, at this point in history, we can't help but steal from other cultures because it's all colliding and connected. I'm not even against anyone doing yoga, even if it’s just for fun and flexibility. At this point, it has a culture of its own. What I am against is the using of these things to imply your superiority to others. I am against the use of these things to excuse you from the participation in our society and the transgressions that happen here. I am against the need to look at everything as punishment and reward and the need to prove you are winning at life. Because what I see is how everyone feels like a failure and judges themselves so harshly for being humans having a human experience. We have demonized the natural world and brainwashed ourselves into thinking that certain ways of being are natural. That is the focus of part 2.

August Energy – Paradigm Shift

Sorry that once again it has been awhile since I blogged. I have been experiencing almost a speeding up of time. Wasn't it just June? Also, the Universe has slowed my energy way down. I have talked to many about them having a similar experience. We have a few big planets in retro (which adds to this), but all in all, the Universe is asking us to slow down, be more present, and rest. As a Gemini with Scorpio rising, I hate when that happens, but I keep hearing how we are going through a massive paradigm shift and we have to be gentle with ourselves. There is something happening on a global level in Late August-Early September. I have been feeling it since June. I don't know what (could be pandemic-related or Afghanistan-related), but I believe it is already starting now. This isn't to freak you out but to encourage you to rest and be gentle with yourself. We can't just positive-think our way through a pandemic. There is a lot of grief we are wading through, as well as frustration, anger, and powerlessness. Give yourself the space to feel all the feelings you have coming up. Find constructive and supportive ways to express yourself. Treat yourself, pamper yourself, and have compassion for yourself. Show yourself the grace you would show others. Grace and compassion are the most important exercises right now. Here is what The Fairies have to say about this time:


When one person is going through rebirth, it can be exhausting.Birth is always an experience of struggle, surrender, and takes a lot of energy. Now we see all of Humanity going through the rebirth process. Multiply the personal experience by the billions. Some of you are being asked to be the midwife or doula for others. This is difficult because you are having your own birth experience. It's okay. Some people just need another birthing person to come breathe next to them. You don't have to be in charge and lead, you just have to be present in both your vulnerabilities. It may feel overwhelming and like too much. Please do not give up. You are on the brink of amazing miracles and real change about to happen. Stay the course through the end of the year and you will start to see where your path is leading. It's always darkest before the dawn, or most painful before the end. We know you have the strength to make it through to the other side.”

-The Fairies

Self Care

I recently saw a meme that said something like: Self-care is not chocolates and bubble baths, it's making a life you don't want to escape. While I get the sentiment, and sort of agree, what I really believe is that it is both! Yes, self-care is having the hard conversations, setting boundaries, facing your fears, and doing that hard deep inner work. It is taking the risks and setting a life you love and that lets you fully express your authentic self. BUT, no matter how great your relationship, kids, job, town you live in and other parts of your life are, you will still want a break. You might just get joy from chocolates and bubble baths, and that's self-care too. Doing things that are joyful and fun just for the sake of being joyful and fun is also self-care.

This actually helped me find the missing piece I needed to restructure my business for 2021. I want to be able to offer you all the ways I know to “Find Your Sparkle”! This could be information from the Fairies, one of the books I have written, pampering products, crystals, helping you starting your own business, sparkly nails, or a great meditation video. I am a many-layered person. These are all the ways I do self-care and keep my life sparkling. It is all the ways I find magic in my day to day.

I think too often those in the “new age” or “self-help” community try to be too serious. I understand why. They are afraid they won't be taken seriously. We have been so bombarded by society that, to be an adult and be taken seriously, we have to be serious and restrained. It's something I have always struggled with. Since I am a punk, a geek, a Disnerd, and have always rebelled against what is conventional, I didn't know how to be authentic and present myself professionally. What I have learned is that I just have to be me. No one cares about all the things I worried they would, and if they did, they weren't my audience. I needed to be me so my “Pixies” could find me. That's what I call all my friends, clients, and social media followers. You are my Pixies.

So, over the first few months here, I am going to be rolling out new additions to my website, new products and services, and a bunch of free offerings! Get ready, Pixies. It's going to be even easier to Find Your Sparkle!

New Year 2021 Message from The Fairies

I can't tell you how many times I have tried to write this blog. Or how many blogs I have written and not published this last year. 2020 has been a tough one. I still remember writing the new year blog and it feeling ominous. I did my best to bring a lightness to it, but it had me worried for the upcoming year. Needless to say, my sense of foreboding was on the mark, but was it a bad year?

2020 gave us the opportunities to see all that was under the surface, pull us out of our denial, and watch the dismantling of our social norms and structures that are outdated and haven't been working for some time now. Personally and globally, we experienced a revolution. So many people I know, as well as myself, had huge growth and perspective shifts. We finally stopped making excuses and created the boundaries we needed. We let go of the need to be busy or perfect or hustle or whatever was distracting us and instead focused on what we truly valued. We invested in the things and people and experiences that really mattered most to us. I think we are still in this process, and that leads me to the next year. First let me say, 2020 was a hard and intense year, but it was not necessarily bad.

2021, as it is being shown to me, is not a magic wand that wipes the slate clean. The big consciousness shift we have been in is tumbling down after it's crescendo. This means busting apart old ways of being and structures and setting new ones. That's a lot of what 2020 was, but there is still more to come. Mostly, the conflict will come from those that want to go back to the old ways of being. Those who want to “get back to normal.” Anyone who has had any kind of spiritual awakening can tell you, you can't go back. That's what is happening to Humanity. The mass consciousness is having a spiritual awakening.

If you have been through this, then you know it's not all bright light and fuzzy feelings. When you have a spiritual awakening, you have to face all your demons. You have to come out of your denial and look at all the ways you were toxic. You have to dismantle all the relationships and ways of being that were making you spiritually sick. So now, we have a mass consciousness doing this in many ways on a mass level, and it is chaotic and ugly and hard, but it will also be beautiful.

I will say, I believe 2020 was our “dark night of the soul” time and we are moving more into a revelation and action time. Enough of me and my interpretations, here is what the Fairies have to say:

Dear ones, you have been through so much and many of you are feeling lost or like giving up. The road ahead is not easy, but it is so fulfilling. What Elizabeth has said is true, but there is a positive she has forgotten. The energy has shifted and the flow is easier. What does this mean? Well, if you had a pool of water and you had a current flowing in one direction in a circle around the edge and you tried to walk against it, it would feel very hard. If you kept walking against the current and more people joined you, it would start feeling chaotic. It would splash and peak and have mini waves. Then eventually, if you all kept going, the current would reverse and follow you. This is what the energy on Earth has been like. 2021 is when it starts shifting from the chaos to the new direction. It will feel slow at first but have less resistance than before. Eventually, it will be carrying you along with it and you won't have to force your way anymore. Let what needs to fall away, fall away. Let what needs to be revealed still, be revealed. This year will still feel like work. It will not be smooth. But you have enough momentum going in the right direction that you can trust what you are building to eventually carry you.

Use this year wisely. It will still feel slow, especially the rest of winter and spring. It may not be till fall that you will feel like you are making any movement forward. Don't fight it. Rest when you need to. Go slowly and methodically. Take the time to make your plans, iron out your details, and make sure you are really ready before taking the next step. There is nothing to rush to. The world you thought would be doesn't exist. The new reality is still being created. Trying to rush there will just lead to disappointment and waiting. In which case, you will still have the time to rest and plan.

How do you plan for a new reality? You create it! We invite you to plan differently for 2021. Instead of your normal goals or resolutions, play a new game. What world are you wanting to create? List some of those aspects. What social norms do you want to get rid of? Write those down and burn them—the list, that is. Actively dismantle the ways you limit yourself and others. Dig in and find what fulfills you the most. It could be keeping your 9-5 to have the stability for your family and being able to spend time with them doing fun things. It might be doing a job that doesn't seem like much to others, or pay well, but doesn't fill your life with stress. It might be starting your dream business or following your art. It doesn't matter if it adds greatly to society or not. It does matter if it adds to your peace or not. Create, plan, actively pursue your peace, no matter what others have to say about it. You are the one living your life, not them.

We wish humanity great ease with this rebirth and bless each of you with clarity, peace, and the ability to see the truth in your heart and soul. We invite you to be brave and live your life pursuing joy and peace and have patience through this year. We promise you a magical end is in sight. The more you plan and steadily move through this year, the more magical 2022 will be for you.

So here we are in October 2020...

We are in a slow moving and heavy energy. For instance, I have been trying to write this blog and get it out for over a week now. The message I keep receiving for myself and others is to wait till November. Your motivation will return. This heavy energy we are trying to push forward will be lifted and you will stop experiencing the little set backs. Mars and Mercury both right themselves from retrograde in the beginning of November. Also, the voting portion of the election in the US will be over and people will let go collectively. I’m actually not sure why, but in November the energy starts to flow a little easier again. We are currently experiencing a shift, and a death portal, that will last till the winter solstice. So much change. So many endings. That also makes the energy heavy. So stop pressuring yourself to do more. Stop being angry at the set backs. The little and big trip ups are there to help you slow down and feel. There are a lot of trip ups both figuratively and literally happening. I know 6 people who have injured or broken their foot or ankle in the month of October. People are sick or have computers break, power outages, or lots of other ways the universe is telling us to stop.

I have read a lot about this being a ripe time and how people need to set their intentions. Intentions are always good but I actually disagree a bit with this right now. We have become a society obsessed with the hustle. People stay busy to not feel Or because their self worth is so connected to achieving something. We have forgotten how to just be. We have forgotten how to surrender to what is and find acceptance and peace. We have forgotten the power in being still.

The power of prayer and meditation is not about gaining rewards from the Divine. They are practices to help the mind and body be still so they can align with the soul/spirit. They are about finding peace in your breath. They are about knowing no matter what, you are connected to the Divine in this very moment. You can let go of the struggle and know peace.

I personally get frustrated, pre-Covid but especially now, with how much the new age community and most spiritual communities, focus on helping you attain something you think you lack, instead of finding peace in who you are. We collectively need to stop chasing some perfect relationship, bank account, body, or fill in whatever you believe is lacking. We need to stop chasing happiness and instead celebrate joy and peace in all the places we can find it.

Obviously I have a US perspective, but I mean this for the whole world, this time we are in is pivotal and honestly there is nothing you can do to change it or shift. It’s happening and we just need to ride it.

We are in the break down of many systems. So many of them are taking their last dying breath. It’s not the time to know the next step or the next solution. It’s just time to wait. Let the transition take its natural course so you can make plans on the other side.

Here is what the Fairies have to say:

We understand that so many of you are scared. You don’t understand the changes taking place and it seems like your life is falling apart. It is. All of this is necessary. It may not be fun. It may not be easy. Some of you feel safe and blessed but fear for those around you. This means you have released the things that were needing to go. Just rest now. If you are really struggling physically, or emotionally, or financially, ask yourself what fear keeps you from trust. The struggle is the place where you still want control of your experience. In surrender and acceptance you find the way forward. You also need to rest now and find the strength to lay your burden down. God/the Universe/the One has so much love to bless you with, open to the guidance. Ask us for help, for signs. We will bring them. Choose to rest and let us do some magic in your life. Your brain doesn’t need to figure out how, it just needs to be clear to see the miracle.

The Fairies

Free Daily Workshop

It is strange times we are in. We are in a total system reset. We as a society and as individuals have to completely rethink how we go about our day-to-day and how we live in our own skin. It is the perfect time to do the work in The Fairies' Guide to Being Human. Since I need to do this as much as anyone else, I thought I would love to do this work together! That's why I am going to be doing a free daily workshop on using the Magical Companion.

Some of you already have the workbook: The Fairies' Guide to Being Human Magical Companion, but if you don't, you can get an abridged version FREE! Just click here to join my email list and get a download of the PDF of all the Fairy Messages and Action Steps in the Magical Companion Workbook. You will also be reminded before I start April 25th.

It could be helpful to read the book The Fairies' Guide to Being Human. You can find the Kindle version of that here. It's free with Amazon Prime or just $5 without Prime. The first 13 messages and action steps are at the end of each chapter, so no need to read ahead. You can just follow along with each day.

There is no way to do this wrong. This is just a fun, free, simple, daily check-in to help you in these chaotic times. Let the magic of The Fairies support you during this journey.

Thank You,

Elizabeth Saenz

The Virus

Hello Humanity,

It's been a little crazy. 2020 has been quite a year so far. I have been reflecting on the fact that the Fairies have talked about the mass shift manifesting in the physical for multiple years now. Here we are in the middle of that experience. Politically, physically, and financially, our world is imploding. This doesn't have to be fearful. The Tower card comes in the middle of the major arcana because it is the middle of the story that brings change. We are in the time of change. As the wheel of life completes cycles, occasionally, we have to go through mass change. If you want a real hindsight is 20/20 moment, go back and read my post about the year from The Fairies. It's the blog post right before this one.

In the last few days, I have had a re-occurring phrase pop in my head. It is a message the Fairies gave me years ago (probably a decade ago). “Nature always wins.” They went on to explain that nature always finds balance. Drag a tire out in the forest. In one year, that tire will be a part of the forest. What we are experiencing right now is nature finding balance. I don't want to make light of a very serious situation or downplay a situation where people have lost their lives. I just want to give a perspective that might help bring some peace to people.

When I checked in with the Fairies, I asked about the growth of this virus. They told me that the US (where I live) has not hit its peak yet, and worldwide, this virus has not hit its peak yet. It will hit a peak and it will decline. That is nature. A natural ebb and flow like the ocean. Here is the message The Fairies wanted to share:

Humanity has been in the process of shifting. Internal shifting of the mass consciousness is now having its outwardly manifestation. Your society has held back the progress of Humanity. Society has to be broken down and rebuilt to support your evolution. Your Earth is healing, including its many beings on it, both animal and vegetable. Earth is headed to a great pause, many of you are already experiencing the start of this pause. Your systems around money, jobs, and how Humans treat each other has to change. You are experiencing their breaking point. How Humans live day to day has to change. You are being given the space to redefine yourself and your way of being. Do not give into fear or give up hope. You are all laboring yourselves into rebirth. When a woman is in labor, they hit a point of complete surrender that feels like a moment of giving up. It is giving up. It is giving up the idea that you are in control and surrendering to the greater energy you are a part of. Humanity is surrendering right now. Breathe deep into this contraction and feel the intensity. That intensity has power that you can harness. Allow this experience to move through you and make you stronger.

We know the deaths are saddening to many of you. There are many who are choosing to help Humanity from the other side. It doesn't make it any easier to see loved ones and neighbors get sick and possibly die. We hope the idea of being a part of a greater energy that keeps you all connected even after beings have left the physical brings some of you peace. Just know those beings are helping Humanity in this transition, even if all you feel is the loss. Plus, it is okay to feel the loss. Loss and grief are a part of Human life. Allow the pain to help you dig deeper into gratitude for what you still have. Allow the heartache to make you love deeper. It does not need to create a hole in you; it can just deepen the depth at which you experience life.

There will be many trials and troubles through this shift. Your faith is not being tested, but you will have opportunities to strengthen it. Trust that this shift is bringing balance to Humanity and all will be safer after it. Let go of the way things used to be because you can never go back to that normal. You can only move forward into the new life you are creating. By May/June, all will be much clearer on how to move forward. Till then, there will be struggle as the old way fights to survive. The more you can relax into the process and help others do the same, the less struggle you will experience. We look forward to celebrating your rebirth on the other side of this experience.

-The Fairies

Year 2020

There seems to be a battle on the internet. One side wanting to proclaim this year as massive change for the better after the last few years (which given the astrological omens, it seems true) and the other side pointing to the last few years and how we thought they were going to be change for the better and they felt like we were drug behind a pick-up truck. I can understand both sides. I think we need to shift our perspective. The last few years have been amazing! It has felt amazingly devastating at times. It has felt scary. Mostly, I think people hear big change for the better and they have an expected result in their head. They think they know what it should look like or how it should feel. Then when it doesn't line up that way, they think they have been tricked, lied to, or failed.

In the last few years, we have seen people around the globe communicating more and learning from each other. We have seen people paying attention to politics and where corporate money is going and the effects of the businesses they support and the products they use. We have seen larger acceptance and progress across the globe. Massive change for the better is happening and has been happening—it's just not pretty and easy. It means both personally and globally, we have to face these ugly truths in our lives and make new choices. I see more empowerment in Humanity right now than ever before. That is something to celebrate. So yes, the massive change for the better will continue and it will build momentum and bring ideas to the surface we never thought of before.

What I see for this coming year is more grace in the changes. Also Humanity's ability to roll with the changes easier. We had to break up those stiff ways of being so this year things could change gently without the push. Our ability to accept and adjust without being victimized is at an all new level collectively. Here is what The Fairies have to say:

Buckle up kids, this is a wild ride. We see 2020 as a breakthrough year for Humanity's evolution. Not one Human will be able to look back at the end of year and think not much changed for them. Humanity as a whole is at a crossroads. Everyone will have to make a choice, actually multiple choices, this year that will change their life. Most of you reading have already been making those choices and are about to start seeing physical results from it, but this too will lead to more choices. Humanity is stepping up to do their part of co-creation, being conscious of their choices and how it effects the larger whole. Making choices that lead to greater experiences in the future rather than immediate gratification. Finding balance between mind, body, and spirit. If you make peace, your main focus and reason for your choices you will move through this year with grace.

January has the energy of shock. It is like Humanity walked into a room and is finally seeing clearly what it has not wanted to look at. Don't try to explain away or write off what you see. Acceptance and clarity are key for making the best plans in January. You may have a tendency to dress up people or situations in a costume that you like or is more comfortable. January is the month to rip those costumes off and see the truth underneath. Give yourself the space to accept, grieve, and come out of the shock. Then use this information to make the most empowered and best choices for you.

Winter to spring, or summer to fall for some, will be the set-up, the planting of seeds, and the beginning of sprouts you have been waiting a long time to see. Don't believe anything is 100% set in stone, but also trust all the possibilities. Once you hit the end of March, the plants that are going to bear fruit will be obvious. You will have a clear direction. The work will still need to be done, but you will be able to move forward in confidence.

By summer, winter for some, you will be on a new playing field. This will be the next big change. You will realize that you can't move forward the way you have been because it just doesn't work anymore. It will take you all of summer to find your way, but the work will be fun. This leads to the end of the year. It actually will be spent preparing for the next year's level. 2021 will be a new level that Humanity can sit at for a bit. 2020 is the climb up the ladder to get there.

-The Fairies

A Year of Messages

This week is the end of 2019! I will have a New Year message for you, but I wanted to take this time as we all reflect on the last year and the last decade to look back at the roller-coaster of energy we all just rode. Below, I have all the Fairy Messages from 2019. It was a powerful experience for me to look back at what they said and think about my own journey. Often, I thought I knew what the month's message meant at the beginning of the month and would be surprised by the end. The Fairies were on point for every month for me. How about you?


This year will be an opening of the eyes. The chaos of the last two years will start to make sense. Spend January releasing and grieving. Grieve the end of your victim-hood. Grieve the end of your old way of being. Grieve the relationships you had to let go of and the fantasy you had about the future. 2019 has no room for these.

This year is about tending to the garden and then harvesting. This is a year of action and less struggle. You planted the seeds and now the sprouts are emerging from the dark. You will need patience because the harvest doesn't really come till the end of the year. You have been energetically pushing against a heavy cloud for the last couple years. That cloud lifts in the spring and you start to feel the ease. Especially if you did the inner work in 2018. You will have things magically coming together. You will still be working hard in 2019, but it will produce more results than before.

Again, the word for the year is action. You must take action on your dreams and goals. The Universe will bring forward more manifestations for you. Amazing breakthroughs that you never even dreamed possible will happen. Stay open to the possibilities while you stay present.

Approach this year with curiosity. You may have goals and ideas about where you are headed but you will be surprised at how this expands your awareness and your knowing of self. Last year was about inner expansion. Clearing out the old within to be more centered. This year is about expanding that knowing into the physical world and expanding your perception as well as the perception of you.


Humanity likes to connect this month with love, which is perfect for this year. You will open your heart and experience deep love, especially for yourself. It is time to stop wearing the costume of other's opinions and stories about you. It is time to return the hurt you have been carrying for someone else thinking it was your own. It is time to forgive the pain you experienced, which is just an echo of pain from the past of those you think hurt you. When you Humans talk about self-love and self-care, you hear a lot about boundaries and saying no. These are good things, but that is just reacting to others. It is time to stop reacting to others feelings and actions and instead deeply love yourself no matter what. It doesn't matter if someone else has found value in you, you need to value your life energy. It doesn't matter if others like you, respect you, or judge you. You need to respect yourself and stop judging every little thing you do. Your power comes from self-love. Stop trying to be right for everyone else around you. Instead, feel that you are alright, right now. No one can take that away from you. You can only give that away. Love the Divine being that is you so you can overflow with it and then share it with the world. Be love. Build that fire in your belly because it’s about time you let it fuel you and move you forward.


March can be a mischievous trickster. It will have you twisting and turning through a maze of experiences, but it is actually releasing you from old programming which you have been trapped in. Do not react, but instead let it unfold. What may seem devastating at one moment will be your greatest gift. There will be a lot of transition Universally on the Earth plane. Deaths, births, shifts in power, and unexpected events. These will come from a place of Truth being revealed and layers being released. You will experience grief and relief. You will experience confusion and joy. The sun will be shining down on humanity and illuminating all that has been in secret, hiding, and shrouded by pain or denial. Keep pulling back the veil to see the truth that lives in your heart. By the end of the month, you may be dizzy from the twist and turns and need to just stop and take in your new surroundings. Please know, whatever you release, or whatever falls away, no longer serves you or your path. Your destiny is waiting.


Be the Fool! Naiveté does not make you stupid. Do not be so wise that you miss the opportunities because you think you know better. Your overthinking, over analyzing brain has you convinced you know all the options and see all the paths forward. April reveals a path you never thought possible or you couldn't even imagine. When you see it, do not hesitate. You may feel unworthy, or not trusting, or think it is a trick. Stay open, be the fool, and follow the guidance you are receiving. This all leads you to an amazing experience and it expands your consciousness again. God/Source/The One/Universe is carrying you forward. Allow yourself to be carried. There is no need to struggle. You can thumb wrestle The One all you want, but it won't stop the path; it will just make you more tired when you arrive. Let April bring you adventure of the best and most rewarding kind.”


April showers bring May flowers, we hear Humans say. It is very true for this year. April may have been full of tears, facing pain, foreboding news, or mass change. All of these could by represented by storm clouds. You can perceive this as gloomy or you can see the positives to rain. It cleanses and clears everything it touches. Rain replenishes and soaks what has been stale. Rain is when the clouds take so much on they can no longer carry and they hit their breaking point. Rain is break through and surrender.

So what comes after the rain? Rainbows and flowers? Maybe. For some of you, it was the last bit needed to clear the path and move you forward. May will be gentle for those that are in this space. It may even feel a little stagnant or slow moving, but trust Divine timing. It can be a good month to plan fun things and find your joy. Like picking flowers, choose what looks the most beautiful to you.

For others, May is going to be the sun bursting through and a few more lessons to clear the path. May will not have the same intensity as April, but it has similar energies to manage. The more you can release any denial, or open to seeing what really is your reality now, the easier it will be to see what you’re moving towards.

Either way, May brings growth that you can see manifest in your physical reality. It is no longer the seed in the Earth trying to break the surface. This growth is about feeling. Trusting those feelings and trusting that those feelings will lead you to your truth. Seek the sunny warmth of joy, but don't pretend it's somewhere it's not. Open to releasing the pain and sorrow, but don't wallow thinking it is all you deserve. Allow your feelings to flow and bring you wisdom and intuitive insight. Find peace in your ever-changing inner landscape.


June will allow you to breathe. It's not necessarily restful, but the high intensity dissipates and you have more focus and clarity about whatever busy work you are doing. There is fun, new connections, and new adventures to explore. You prepared the ground, planted the seeds, and now it's time to weed and water. That's June. You will find some sprouts. You will even have some fruits of last year's labors appear, as if out of thin air. June is about putting one foot in front of the other each day. You won't be blocked or feel lost and that lets you peacefully work. You will have some time to rest, but even then your energy will be working to create. June asks you to be the Magician! Create, conjure, find your magic, and play. It will hardly feel like work when you dive into the passions that feed your soul. The time is ripe with possibilities. Go grab them.


July brings a bit of excitement. New ideas and new opportunities as well as lots of shifting and changes. When all is said and done, you will feel like the deck of your life was shuffled sufficiently. This may sound scary or exhausting, but it is not. All you need to do is show up and be present. The energies are working all around you. It will be clear what steps to take when. Just do them. Where the last six months have felt like swimming through murky water full of clutter, the next six are a fast stream flowing towards the sea. You just have to relax into the current. It doesn't mean calm waters, but rapids can be relaxing with the right mind set.


August burns with clarity. Let yourself open to bigger possibilities than you thought possible. Your path is opening. July brought you all the truth you need to see. Many of you made the changes you needed to make. You will have the room to breathe that you have been asking for. A strong fresh wind will blow through the planet and it brings with it swift movement. Struggle will fall away and you will see the missing pieces and how to make them go into place. Harvest is beginning, still most fruits need a little more time to be fully ripe. By the end of the month, you will feel like you are standing on solid ground. Many of you have felt tossed and thrown in the earthquakes running through your life. You feel as if you are fighting tornadoes and bracing against tidal waves. Now you will hear the stillness of nature and see all the beauty that was brought to the surface by the chaos. Enjoy the still moments. Let them soak into your bones and replenish your magic.


The rest of 2019 is building to the shift of January 2020. Really, you can say everything till this point has, but especially the next few months. For some, this will be the breakthrough point. For others, it will be the breaking point. It is a time when your mass consciousness shifts from an old paradigm to a new. It is when the old systems and ways of being on Earth and ways of operating that have all been limping along and grasping at straws to keep afloat will finally sink. You can see rewards already for those of you deciding to do it differently, but know that all you are doing now is truly set up for the beginning of 2020. This is your month to claim it. September brings opportunities, support, possibilities you hadn’t thought of, and some clear steps forward. Stay open to all the possibilities. Nothing should have to be a struggle. Allow the natural flow of your life to surface.


Humanity seems to be divided into two groups right now. Those that have felt battered by this year and want it all to just stop for a bit and those that are treading the surface and looking for where land is. Both groups are ready to rest. You will have moments this month for rest, fun, and peace, but not a lot. It’s about to get very interesting on the Earth over the next few months. The truth and clarity has been brought to the surface for all who wish to look at it. Both in your personal life and on the world stage, you will see the battle of denial over acceptance. Many describe what is happening as fear versus love, and there is some truth to that, but the actual battle is denial versus acceptance.

Denial will lead you to fear. Acceptance will lead you to love. But when Humans look at their choices, or are faced with a challenge, or must look at their wounds, they are not choosing fear or love; they are choosing to deny all that they see or accept it. Acceptance leads to love, to being present, and to being at peace. Acceptance allows you to step from the power struggle. There is nothing to prove or get others to understand if you are in acceptance.

The state of acceptance is fertile soil to plant your creative ideas. Acceptance opens you to the flow of the Universe and all possibilities. Acceptance means you are no longer trying to force an agenda and so you can see where your path is leading you. Acceptance allows you to make choices that slightly alter your direction and put you exactly where your soul needs to be. It opens you so the energy and flow through you so you can manifest your ideas into reality.


Are they fireworks or bombs exploding? Is it an earthquake or a gentle shifting into place? Is everything falling apart or is everything falling into place? It’s all about perspective this month. One man’s junk is another man’s treasure. Look for the treasures. Try to see the blessings in what feels challenging. It is like the Universe’s patience has worn thin and there is a push to move everything along. The truth is, it is all about Divine timing. Trust it is all happening how and when it should be happening. Open to the possibilities without getting bogged down in the details. On the world stage, the mass consciousness is shifting and there will be a lot of truth revealed. Things that have remained hidden will be seen. This can feel scary and make people feel unsure. It is important to know that, again, this is Divine timing. Trust the process of truth being revealed in your own life as well as on the world stage.


The cold is crisp and clear, it heightens the senses. December brings a heightened awareness. A knowing that's akin to tasting the air, seeing heat, or hearing light. It's an experience on a whole different level. The experience may seem the same on the outside. Other people may look at it and think it is how it has always been, but you have never been open to it in this new way. What is it? That will be different for everyone. It is the key to your next journey. As the cycle comes to a close, the year ends, and the energies settle in, you will get the key. You already have the clarity and have made your choice, it just hasn't manifested in the physical yet. The key lights the way.

Though the harvest should have passed, this month will actually be a big harvest for many. All the effort and hard work of the last year pays off. Things you have been working towards and felt like were not moving will finally fall into place. Acceptance is a big part of all of this. Acceptance is the key to moving forward. If you want to work with this energy more consciously, ask yourself in every struggle, what am I not accepting in this situation? Acceptance doesn't mean you decide everything is okay and won't change, it just means you stop struggling with the reality you are in.

December Monthly Message

What a ride this year has been, huh? I never thought I would experience such an intense year. I hope that every experience has made you more kind and more grateful, as well as deepened your faith, whatever it may be. Here we are in the final month with the final Monthly Message. At the end of this month, I will be posting a blog with every Monthly Message and some interesting side notes for each one. For now, here is the Monthly Message for December:

The cold is crisp and clear, it heightens the senses. December brings a heightened awareness. A knowing that's akin to tasting the air, seeing heat, or hearing light. It's an experience on a whole different level. The experience may seem the same on the outside. Other people may look at it and think it is how it has always been, but you have never been open to it in this new way. What is it? That will be different for everyone. It is the key to your next journey. As the cycle comes to a close, the year ends, and the energies settle in, you will get the key. You already have the clarity and have made your choice—it just hasn't manifested in the physical yet. The key lights the way.

Though the harvest should have passed, this month will actually be a big harvest for many. All the effort and hard work of the last year pays off. Things you have been working towards and felt like were not moving will finally fall into place. Acceptance is a big part of all of this. Acceptance is the key to moving forward. If you want to work with this energy more consciously, ask yourself in every struggle, what am I not accepting in this situation? Acceptance doesn't mean you decide everything is okay and won't change, it just means you stop struggling with the reality you are in.

-The Fairies