
August Energy – Paradigm Shift

Sorry that once again it has been awhile since I blogged. I have been experiencing almost a speeding up of time. Wasn't it just June? Also, the Universe has slowed my energy way down. I have talked to many about them having a similar experience. We have a few big planets in retro (which adds to this), but all in all, the Universe is asking us to slow down, be more present, and rest. As a Gemini with Scorpio rising, I hate when that happens, but I keep hearing how we are going through a massive paradigm shift and we have to be gentle with ourselves. There is something happening on a global level in Late August-Early September. I have been feeling it since June. I don't know what (could be pandemic-related or Afghanistan-related), but I believe it is already starting now. This isn't to freak you out but to encourage you to rest and be gentle with yourself. We can't just positive-think our way through a pandemic. There is a lot of grief we are wading through, as well as frustration, anger, and powerlessness. Give yourself the space to feel all the feelings you have coming up. Find constructive and supportive ways to express yourself. Treat yourself, pamper yourself, and have compassion for yourself. Show yourself the grace you would show others. Grace and compassion are the most important exercises right now. Here is what The Fairies have to say about this time:


When one person is going through rebirth, it can be exhausting.Birth is always an experience of struggle, surrender, and takes a lot of energy. Now we see all of Humanity going through the rebirth process. Multiply the personal experience by the billions. Some of you are being asked to be the midwife or doula for others. This is difficult because you are having your own birth experience. It's okay. Some people just need another birthing person to come breathe next to them. You don't have to be in charge and lead, you just have to be present in both your vulnerabilities. It may feel overwhelming and like too much. Please do not give up. You are on the brink of amazing miracles and real change about to happen. Stay the course through the end of the year and you will start to see where your path is leading. It's always darkest before the dawn, or most painful before the end. We know you have the strength to make it through to the other side.”

-The Fairies

April 2021 Fairy Message

I actually feel like the Fairies are so clear this month, I don't want to muddy the words. I will say I invite you to treat yourself and others with compassion and grace this month. Here is what the Fairies have to say:

April starts off slippery. It may feel like you can't find the traction to get moving on some things and other things are running away from you. What do these have in common? Lack of control. Did 2020 not teach you anything? Your illusion of control will not help you anymore. You are stepping into unknown territory and unknown ways of being. You cannot control what you do not understand. Elizabeth is not liking all our double negatives but that is the time you are in. It is time to dance through the Paradox.

When you feel like giving up, you will find your energy to push forward. When it seems like letting go is the only way forward, you will find everything and everyone running back to you. You can find the peace you are looking for in the middle of the chaos. The trick is not controlling outside yourself but controlling within. Stop running from the feelings and face them head on. Express yourself. Let it out.

Your world does not make sense but the truth is, it never has. The rose-colored glasses society was looking through have been ripped off. It is like the people of Oz in your books. The Wizard was always just a man behind a curtain. The Emerald City was always just green glasses. They just had to become aware of truth. The truth can feel crazy. The truth can be hard to look at. The truth can still be seen differently through different eyes. That's okay. What is needed is compassion and grace.

Humanity is going to have some beautiful experiences and much-needed change this year. You will start to see the little buds and sprouts of this by the end of April. Remember, you may not know what the flower will bloom into until you watch it unfold.

-The Fairies

March 2021 Fairies Message

March is just Marching along! I'm sorry this is late. February brought snow storms, power outages, and the fifth death in the family. So it goes. But I finally got myself to sit down and write a blog. As we hit a one-year anniversary of lock down here in WA state, it amazes me how much has changed—in the world, my life, and in me. We have all been through a transformative rebirth process, and it is important to be compassionate with each other and ourselves. I asked the Fairies for their message in this powerful month as we head to St. Patrick's Day, Spring Equinox (or Fall depending on where you are at), and Easter. I hope their words give you the ray of hope you need to keep moving forward into a new way of being. Here is what the Fairies had to say:

This changing of the season will not be all rainbows and sunshine, but it will not be trudging forward either. Your world and society have been through a shift in consciousness. You will start to see the conflict in moving forward and trying to go back to the way it was. You cannot go back but many will try. Many people will try to act like the old systems did not break down and with a little elbow grease they can get back up and running. They cannot. This will lead to more struggle and chaos. The relationships, way of operating, and societal systems that don't work will still not work. Before, many could act like they didn't notice. Keep a level of denial. That is no longer possible.

This is not just on the world stage but your inner world too. You will not be able to go back to the way you were before. You have changed, and this can be scary. You don't even think like the person you were a year ago. Old relationships, situations, jobs, dreams, and goals that you use to have just don't fit anymore. There is nothing wrong with letting go and choosing differently now. Also, know that others have changed drastically. This could mean you are more compatible now. It could mean you are less. It doesn't mean one is wrong or right, just different. Let yourself experience them as they are now. The new them.

Even though it all feels new, and that can feel both exciting and scary, move forward with intention. What world do you want to create? What do you want your life to look like? Turn inward and ask what you truly want now. Where does your fulfillment live? Answering these questions moves you forward to your next steps.

- The Fairies

The February Fairy Message

The month of love that is both loved and hated. Romantic love is great, but there are so many love relationships to celebrate and explore. You have love for your family and friends, but most importantly yourself! I often talk about self-love in February because I think it is so crucial to a spiritual path. So I want to talk a minute about motivation before I get to the Fairy Message.

I invite you to explore the why behind your current self-help journey. Do you feel like you are broken or need to be fixed? There is no such thing as a perfect person. If you have faults, then you are human. Are you trying to better yourself to prove something to other people? I know people who get physically fit to spite their ex. They achieve something to prove to their parents they were right. They want to show their old classmates that they are a big shot now. Chasing the approval of those who have already rejected you will never bring you peace. There is a lot of talk about chasing status or money being an empty path, which it can be, but I think this is worse. In all situations, whether you are chasing money or want to show your ex your hot bod, you are giving your power away. You are saying I am not enough without this.

So instead, pick your motivation. Are you shifting your diet or exercising for other people's opinions or so you can feel good in your body? Focus on what you want to do with your body and why you want that strength. For money, focus on why you want it. If you are trying to fill a hole or feel powerful, then shift your perspective. Instead, focus on all the good you can do with that money. See yourself as part of the flow of money, knowing it comes and goes easily. Instead of focusing on status, focus on building relationships with people you know and those you meet. Be of service! I hope this helps shifts your perspective and moves you in the direction of loving yourself more! Here is the Fairy’s Message:

We want to talk about the paradox of self-love and success. Elizabeth talked about wanting to prove to others and that being motivation, but we want to address the push to that pull—hiding. Many of you push to be seen and then hide when you get attention. You start building big and then shrink when others become uncomfortable. It is the other part of needing approval. You try to make others comfortable, hoping that will help your chances of approval. This is giving your power away. It is time to shine and be who you authentically are without fear of being alone. Love yourself enough to want to be alone.

Where your focus and energy go, you create. So you don't want to create a fake you with fake relationships and fake ways of being. You will never feel fulfilled or be at peace if you spend your energy trying to control or manipulate your experience. Allow yourself to be you and others to be themselves. Those that fall away are just not your people. The ones you make uncomfortable or reject you are not your tribe. Let them go. Make space for your people. They will come as soon as you start being yourself.

Love is not about making the other person anything. Love is about celebrating who you are, who they are, and who you are together. Loving yourself requires you accepting yourself and celebrating who you are in this moment. Make time this month to celebrate you.

The Fairies