The Books

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The Fairies’ Guide To Being Human

In these times we live in many are getting called to connect deeper with magic. What if we told you that magic was inside you? The Fairies' Guide to Being Human is a self help guide to connect deeper with your magical self. This book weaves channelings from the Fairies, autobiographic stories from Elizabeth Saenz, as well as ways to apply these teachings to your life. Journey to the magical center of your being and connect deeper to the Fairies.

the Fairies Guide to Being Human Magical Companion

The Fairies' Guide to Being Human Magical Companion is designed to be used with The Fairies' Guide to Being Human book but can be used by itself. It contains the Fairy Messages and Action steps from the end of every chapter as well as 30 additional ones and much more. Enjoy coloring the images from the book as well as journaling in the blank pages.

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Fairy Tid-bits

Fairy Tid-bits is a collection of facts, lore, meditations, and information about and from the Fairies. Elizabeth Saenz shares insights from her own path as well as bits of information she has collected along the way. The 172 fairy Tid-bits are categorized into four sections; Fairy Basics, The Natural World, The Many Names of Fairy, and Interacting with the Fairies. They are accompanied by two meditations and a few lovely illustrations. It is the perfect "field guide" for those walking a spiritual path that is woven with Fairy Magic.

Fairy Tid-bits
By Saenz, Elizabeth
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