
Why Fairies Aren't Bad Part 3 or How this all ties together

So why don't I think there are bad Fairies? Well, first is I don't believe that beings and living things are inherently bad or evil. We have learned that most people who we might label as evil have had emotional trauma and/or severe psychological problems. These are pretty uniquely human traits. I do not believe there is a battle of good and evil inside humans or in nature. These concepts are human constructs.

Then we move into the oral tradition. Fairies have existed all over the globe in every culture before written history. All of us have ancestors that connected with Fairies. Then we have the injection of Christianity that tells people that the thing that happened was a trick. These beings are ruled by the devil and here to trick humanity. So the stories that were being told change. The perspective shifts. Much like how the medicine woman that was birthing babies and healing the sick became the witch who was hexing and tricking the tribe, Fairies morph from beings who share space and work with us to beings who have menace in mind. Nature has become something to conquer rather than to live in as part of an ecosystem, and we become more detached from the animals, plants, and beings of nature. This shifts our perspective to how we must defend against nature rather than being at peace with its cycles. Soon, we are no longer a part of nature and see ourselves as separate from it.

I am not saying that a Fairy has never caused harm. Much like all forces of nature—be they earthquakes, wind, or random pests—we can experience harm if we are not careful with our interactions. Not all Fairies are interested in helping Humanity. They have focuses for their energy. Also, accidents happen. I have accidentally smacked a friend when trying to open a stubborn chip bag. My point is that these acts—be it accidental, setting a boundary, or bringing balance to a situation—are not an attack with the intention to cause harm to Humans.

There is also miscommunication, especially back a thousand years ago. Can you imagine trying to talk to someone from 1023? Language is not the same. How they perceived the world is very different. Now imagine you are a magical being from another realm trying to communicate with them to help both realms evolve.

There is also miscommunication, especially back a thousand years ago. Can you imagine trying to talk to someone from 1023? Language is not the same. How they perceived the world is very different. Now imagine you are a magical being from another realm trying to communicate with them to help both realms evolve. The fact that any communication happened is amazing! It is easy to see how a Fairy having an experience with a human could think they were being clear and the human thinking they are speaking in riddles.

Colonization and Capitalism benefits from people being separated from each other and nature, and colors the perspective of our society to see nature as dangerous. All of these things have changed our perspective on Fairies and shifted how we interact with them. Just being aware of how our perspective has been colored and having a willingness to question it starts to open your mind for a different experience. I have a lot more information on how to connect and build a relationship with the Fairies coming. I wanted to start here because this mindset has to be dismantled before you can attempt to build a healthy relationship with them. I hope this has helped shift your perspective some.

Why the Fairies Aren't Bad Part 2 or How the straight white colonial capitalistic perspective has colored how we view nature and history

When you look at a pride of lions, what do you see? Is it an alpha male who has gathered a cluster of female mates to do his bidding? Or is it an empowered female collective sharing talents and skills to thrive while keeping and placating one lazy male to do the one thing they can't? How we observe nature, history, and sciences in general affects how information about it is passed along.

There are two rules of thought that are still prevalent today. One is “I am righteous and God is rewarding me, and therefore, my actions are just.” The other is humans are the superior species. I am a part of this superior evolution and have great intellect, so my perspective is correct. Both are dangerous. The reason Darwin's theory of evolution was chosen by the scientific community as the correct theory (there were others) is because it fit so well with capitalism. Even his theory over the years has been twisted and used to create a perspective that it is natural to be greedy and oppressive. As if those are the traits that would make a human stronger and survive longer in the wild.

Even his theory over the years has been twisted and used to create a perspective that it is natural to be greedy and oppressive. As if those are the traits that would make a human stronger and survive longer in the wild.

Nature is not greedy. It's the reasons prey and predator can be in the same tank at an aquarium. The predator is fed plenty and has no need to hunt. Nature runs on balance and cooperation. There is no battle for land or war of plants. Ferns protect the forest floor and roots. Trees protect the ferns. Birds and squirrels eats the seeds and nuts but also spread the seeds and nuts. The wolf is not bad or evil for eating a bunny, just as the bunny is not bad or evil for eating the plant. The main motivation for nature is to bring things into balance. While a tsunami, earthquake, or other natural disaster is not a good experience, they themselves are not evil, bad, or a form of punishment.

Let's cover this punishment part because I think this is big part of the warped perspective modern humans have. Seeing everything as being done to you as a reward or a punishment creates a perspective where you miss so much about what is happening around you. It creates a lens where you are so focused on yourself and your own actions that you miss connection and observing others. We should strive to be the mouse who investigates the lion roaring to discover how it can help to pull a thorn from its paw. Not our ancestors, who projected their beliefs onto the cultures they found and only saw how they could profit from them.

Colonizers looked at cultures that had maps of the stars, agriculture, and complex social structures and called them savage and misrepresented what it was they did, how their tools were used, and even their intentions behind sacred rites. They took what was helpful and demonized the rest. The spirits/beings they talked to, worshiped, or lived with were labeled demons working for Satan. They would take certain practices and incorporate it into Christian ones to convert them. Those that didn't convert were uncivilized. All of this was to assert themselves as the superior race/group of people and justify their actions of conquering and oppressing.

This is where Fairies get demonized, saying they are tricking humans with ill intent to turn them away from the Christian God. They become anywhere on the spectrum from mischievous to malicious, but any way around it—untrustworthy

This is where Fairies get demonized, saying they are tricking humans with ill intent to turn them away from the Christian God. They become anywhere on the spectrum from mischievous to malicious, but any way around it—untrustworthy. Since a majority of cultures pass on their myths orally, this new perspective crawls into their stories and is passed down. Now changelings want to steal your baby, djinn (genies) are twisting wishes, and brownies or duende steal things from your home instead of protect it.

A more recent version is to demonize the chronically ill, or really all illness and ailments. I totally believe in miracle healings. I have seen it multiple times. I totally believe that our thoughts and beliefs play a part of our health. What I don't agree with is blaming sick people for not being well or feeling superior because of your health. Healthy people want to believe that their diet, exercise, and or energetic habits keep them healthy and safe. All those things help, but you never know what genetics will play into your health. Also, suggesting that all someone needs to do to “fix” themselves is do these simple exercises is rude. What I find interesting is how many of those people still need glasses and dental care and don't see the irony there.

Nature and humanity thrive when cooperation happens. Cultures of the past supported their sick and elderly. We are tribal by nature and all need that support. Again, Colonization and Capitalism benefit from separating people from a tribe and providing some basic necessities for those that work hard enough, instead of pooling resources so everyone can live comfortably. What does this have to do with Fairies? Part 3 will tie all of this together.

What's up?

What’s up?

So, as you all know,

the chaos ensues and it feels like it keeps having these leaps of intensity. The most recent was when Mercury Retrograde passed the baton to Saturn Retrograde, and it felt like it beat us along the way. Now the darkness of this New Moon is illuminating it all for us to see. I keep having the same conversation over and over again, so I figured this was needed for the general population.

First, let's talk about the bigger picture of what's going on. We have had a paradigm shift. Between COVID, political shifts, and other stuff, the entire planet is in a paradigm shift. This is scary and hard. We all have to be in the new and figure out how we operate in the new. There will be a tendency to cling to the past and want to go back to the known because it was known and that feels easier. It's not and will just slow you down. When massive shifts like this happen, there is chaos. You can't help it. We are in the chaos, as more systems break down to make way for the new, and more ways of being shift, you can't help but be in chaos. It's okay. Our brains interpret this as dangerous, but it is actually the natural process.

Many are

experiencing this as feeling lost or not feeling like themselves, but the truth is

the world has changed; you have changed too, but not as drastically. It's just hard to “feel like yourself” when so many aspects of you, your world, and your relationships have changed. Again, none of this is bad, but it can feel bad. We are being given a gift.

This takes us to the last couple months, but especially June. In May, there were a lot of opportunities to see yourself clearly—the good, the bad, and the ugly. Also to see your relationships clearly. Then when Mercury came out of Retrograde right as Saturn was going Retrograde, a lot of things were upended. Anything that feels like it was taken from you, lost, or no longer working was something stopping you from your highest and best path. You were shown the places apathy had crept in, where you still played small to make others comfortable, and where you were distracting yourself from your true purpose.

It may not be clear

yet what the new path or purpose is.

You might also know your path or purpose but feel like you can't get there yet. This is all again part of the natural process, and I will talk about that in one moment. First, I need to address what many empaths are experiencing right now. Part of the confusion is the fact that empaths are being bombarded right now. You are probably feeling exhausted from either picking up everyone's crap or from combating the constant onslaught of energy being thrown your way. You need to make sure you are clearing, grounding, and shielding every day!

Okay, now for where we are headed. As we follow the energy and how I see it unfolding, we are in the creating space for the new phase. So there may not be a lot of clarity about where you are going yet, so you are only feeling the loss. You may have an idea about where you are going but it feels so weird and so far away that it feels out of reach. Just do the small steps now. Clear the space, set the plans in motion, let go of the past. All of this will help you down the road.

In July, people are going to feel stuck, trapped, or like they can't get anything moving. At least the first half, but maybe the whole month. You might also have some false start experiences. Please don't let any of this discourage you. You are still making progress. This stall is for us to get better clarity and dig deeper. Do not take this as a reason to stop moving forward.

Fall is when we get some relief. The energy lightens, things start progressing. This will be different times for different people. For some, it starts as early as late August. For some, it starts in September. Some have to wait till October. Any way around it, you will have a period of relief. November, however, brings with it some more intensity that takes till December to start dissipating.

To sum up, the road will continue to be bumpy, but the trick is to shift your perspective about it. People keep thinking “I just get through this thing, or month, and then things will be easy.” Just stop that. Shift your expectation to things don't need to be perfect or smooth to still feel supportive and okay. The best way forward is to be as honest with yourself as you can be. Look at those things you have been running from. Look at the parts you feel powerless in. Look for the truth of who you are and how to move forward in that. That's where you find your freedom and your power, but most of all your peace.

Lost Hope?

The heaviness of everything hit me last night. I had been getting some cryptic messages and decided to sit down with my husband and pull some tarot cards. We were talking and discussing what was coming up. Then I suddenly said, “It just feels like I don't have any hope anymore. It's something I have been struggling with for the last 3 years.” The flood gates opened and I sobbed. We talked about the numerous disappointments, painful experiences, and upheavals over the last 8 years. We talked about how I don't know how to prepare my kids for their future or even what future I am heading towards. You see, hope for me had been that life was going to keep getting better. The future was better, but I hadn't felt that in a long time. This led to a restless night and lots of self-energy work, but can be distilled down to a conversation I had with The Fairies.

“I've lost hope,” I said.

“What is hope?” they asked.
“It's heading towards a better life, future, or something better,” I replied.

“Oh, then it is good you lost that. That is not hope. That keeps you from being fully in the present and appreciating what you are experiencing. Hope is the light in you. It can't be lost. If you put a light in a box, you may not see it anymore, but it's still shining. You just have to remove the box to see it again.”

“What if the present is too painful to experience? What if the light brings no comfort? What if I am too disappointed by life to feel hopeful?”

“Disappointment is NOT the opposite of hope. Much like fear and courage are not opposites. When you move forward in the face of fear, that is courage. When you move forward in the face of disappointment, that is hope. You say you don't have hope, but you still move forward every day in the face of pain, disappointment, and fear. You get up and you make magic every day.”

“It feels pointless.”

“It feels pointless because you are placing big expectations on how it should look or feel or be. You are still looking for punishment and reward instead of accepting and appreciating the being of now.”

“So it is pointless,” I say with a smirk.

“It's like your favorite quote: You can either see life as nothing is a miracle or everything is.”

When I finally woke up this morning, I didn't touch my phone. I took a long hot shower using tons of pampering products. I wanted to scrub the old off me and soothe my soul with many moisturizers. I made myself yummy food and took time to just be. When I finally did get on Facebook, my memories showed my post from a year ago. It was talking about how acceptance is the way forward (a favorite Fairy quote of mine) and how we needed to accept our current reality and figure out how to move forward in acceptance. So the spiral of my journey brings me back to the same spot with a different view.

Equinox Message March 2021

Happy Spring Equinox (or Fall if you live in the Southern Hemisphere)! It's another one of those shifting times. Rebirth seems to be the theme of 2021. Spring is always a time of rebirth and seems to be amplified by the 2021 energy. We cultivated a new way of being and new versions of ourselves all through 2020. I would like to invite you to claim this new you. Let go of doubts, relationships, and ways of being that don't support who you are now. Give yourself space to grieve these losses because there will be grief, but the loss creates space for the new and better. Opportunities are appearing for people to claim the new way of being. Those who do not understand or “get” you are just not part of your tribe for this part of your path. It doesn't make them wrong or mean you have to judge their new way of being. It just means you need to let go and stop trying to drag others along your path.

I kept struggling to write this blog and I realized it was because the Fairies had a message they wanted out now that couldn't wait for April. So here is what The Fairies have to say:

The energy of 2020 is being wrapped up and completed. You may have new goals and new ways of being in the world. This can feel like walking in new shoes that are not broken in. Even though they feel good, they may not feel right yet. It can be uncomfortable and rub your edges. You will find your way. It is time to be comfortable with the uncomfortable as you let it show you the truth. What feels uncomfortable are the places you are still holding on to the past and the old way of being.

There is a push for many healers and lightworkers to speak their truth and claim their space. This means being comfortable with making others uncomfortable. You do not need to be mean or attack others, but you do need to speak your truth and not shrink your light to make others comfortable. Claim who you are now. This also means embracing your shadow. Love your wounded self. Love the parts of yourself that feel unlovable. Please know that when you acknowledge these parts and work with them, it lessens the power they have on your unconscious mind. It gives you space to act from a place of peace rather than hurt.

When events or people make you angry, reflect. Where is the anger coming from? If you are feeling sad or lost, what is driving these feelings? These feelings aren't wrong but ways for you to communicate to yourself where you need to heal still. Keep healing and keep shining. You will find your feet again on your turn on your path.

-The Fairies

March 2021 Fairies Message

March is just Marching along! I'm sorry this is late. February brought snow storms, power outages, and the fifth death in the family. So it goes. But I finally got myself to sit down and write a blog. As we hit a one-year anniversary of lock down here in WA state, it amazes me how much has changed—in the world, my life, and in me. We have all been through a transformative rebirth process, and it is important to be compassionate with each other and ourselves. I asked the Fairies for their message in this powerful month as we head to St. Patrick's Day, Spring Equinox (or Fall depending on where you are at), and Easter. I hope their words give you the ray of hope you need to keep moving forward into a new way of being. Here is what the Fairies had to say:

This changing of the season will not be all rainbows and sunshine, but it will not be trudging forward either. Your world and society have been through a shift in consciousness. You will start to see the conflict in moving forward and trying to go back to the way it was. You cannot go back but many will try. Many people will try to act like the old systems did not break down and with a little elbow grease they can get back up and running. They cannot. This will lead to more struggle and chaos. The relationships, way of operating, and societal systems that don't work will still not work. Before, many could act like they didn't notice. Keep a level of denial. That is no longer possible.

This is not just on the world stage but your inner world too. You will not be able to go back to the way you were before. You have changed, and this can be scary. You don't even think like the person you were a year ago. Old relationships, situations, jobs, dreams, and goals that you use to have just don't fit anymore. There is nothing wrong with letting go and choosing differently now. Also, know that others have changed drastically. This could mean you are more compatible now. It could mean you are less. It doesn't mean one is wrong or right, just different. Let yourself experience them as they are now. The new them.

Even though it all feels new, and that can feel both exciting and scary, move forward with intention. What world do you want to create? What do you want your life to look like? Turn inward and ask what you truly want now. Where does your fulfillment live? Answering these questions moves you forward to your next steps.

- The Fairies

The February Fairy Message

The month of love that is both loved and hated. Romantic love is great, but there are so many love relationships to celebrate and explore. You have love for your family and friends, but most importantly yourself! I often talk about self-love in February because I think it is so crucial to a spiritual path. So I want to talk a minute about motivation before I get to the Fairy Message.

I invite you to explore the why behind your current self-help journey. Do you feel like you are broken or need to be fixed? There is no such thing as a perfect person. If you have faults, then you are human. Are you trying to better yourself to prove something to other people? I know people who get physically fit to spite their ex. They achieve something to prove to their parents they were right. They want to show their old classmates that they are a big shot now. Chasing the approval of those who have already rejected you will never bring you peace. There is a lot of talk about chasing status or money being an empty path, which it can be, but I think this is worse. In all situations, whether you are chasing money or want to show your ex your hot bod, you are giving your power away. You are saying I am not enough without this.

So instead, pick your motivation. Are you shifting your diet or exercising for other people's opinions or so you can feel good in your body? Focus on what you want to do with your body and why you want that strength. For money, focus on why you want it. If you are trying to fill a hole or feel powerful, then shift your perspective. Instead, focus on all the good you can do with that money. See yourself as part of the flow of money, knowing it comes and goes easily. Instead of focusing on status, focus on building relationships with people you know and those you meet. Be of service! I hope this helps shifts your perspective and moves you in the direction of loving yourself more! Here is the Fairy’s Message:

We want to talk about the paradox of self-love and success. Elizabeth talked about wanting to prove to others and that being motivation, but we want to address the push to that pull—hiding. Many of you push to be seen and then hide when you get attention. You start building big and then shrink when others become uncomfortable. It is the other part of needing approval. You try to make others comfortable, hoping that will help your chances of approval. This is giving your power away. It is time to shine and be who you authentically are without fear of being alone. Love yourself enough to want to be alone.

Where your focus and energy go, you create. So you don't want to create a fake you with fake relationships and fake ways of being. You will never feel fulfilled or be at peace if you spend your energy trying to control or manipulate your experience. Allow yourself to be you and others to be themselves. Those that fall away are just not your people. The ones you make uncomfortable or reject you are not your tribe. Let them go. Make space for your people. They will come as soon as you start being yourself.

Love is not about making the other person anything. Love is about celebrating who you are, who they are, and who you are together. Loving yourself requires you accepting yourself and celebrating who you are in this moment. Make time this month to celebrate you.

The Fairies

New Year 2021 Message from The Fairies

I can't tell you how many times I have tried to write this blog. Or how many blogs I have written and not published this last year. 2020 has been a tough one. I still remember writing the new year blog and it feeling ominous. I did my best to bring a lightness to it, but it had me worried for the upcoming year. Needless to say, my sense of foreboding was on the mark, but was it a bad year?

2020 gave us the opportunities to see all that was under the surface, pull us out of our denial, and watch the dismantling of our social norms and structures that are outdated and haven't been working for some time now. Personally and globally, we experienced a revolution. So many people I know, as well as myself, had huge growth and perspective shifts. We finally stopped making excuses and created the boundaries we needed. We let go of the need to be busy or perfect or hustle or whatever was distracting us and instead focused on what we truly valued. We invested in the things and people and experiences that really mattered most to us. I think we are still in this process, and that leads me to the next year. First let me say, 2020 was a hard and intense year, but it was not necessarily bad.

2021, as it is being shown to me, is not a magic wand that wipes the slate clean. The big consciousness shift we have been in is tumbling down after it's crescendo. This means busting apart old ways of being and structures and setting new ones. That's a lot of what 2020 was, but there is still more to come. Mostly, the conflict will come from those that want to go back to the old ways of being. Those who want to “get back to normal.” Anyone who has had any kind of spiritual awakening can tell you, you can't go back. That's what is happening to Humanity. The mass consciousness is having a spiritual awakening.

If you have been through this, then you know it's not all bright light and fuzzy feelings. When you have a spiritual awakening, you have to face all your demons. You have to come out of your denial and look at all the ways you were toxic. You have to dismantle all the relationships and ways of being that were making you spiritually sick. So now, we have a mass consciousness doing this in many ways on a mass level, and it is chaotic and ugly and hard, but it will also be beautiful.

I will say, I believe 2020 was our “dark night of the soul” time and we are moving more into a revelation and action time. Enough of me and my interpretations, here is what the Fairies have to say:

Dear ones, you have been through so much and many of you are feeling lost or like giving up. The road ahead is not easy, but it is so fulfilling. What Elizabeth has said is true, but there is a positive she has forgotten. The energy has shifted and the flow is easier. What does this mean? Well, if you had a pool of water and you had a current flowing in one direction in a circle around the edge and you tried to walk against it, it would feel very hard. If you kept walking against the current and more people joined you, it would start feeling chaotic. It would splash and peak and have mini waves. Then eventually, if you all kept going, the current would reverse and follow you. This is what the energy on Earth has been like. 2021 is when it starts shifting from the chaos to the new direction. It will feel slow at first but have less resistance than before. Eventually, it will be carrying you along with it and you won't have to force your way anymore. Let what needs to fall away, fall away. Let what needs to be revealed still, be revealed. This year will still feel like work. It will not be smooth. But you have enough momentum going in the right direction that you can trust what you are building to eventually carry you.

Use this year wisely. It will still feel slow, especially the rest of winter and spring. It may not be till fall that you will feel like you are making any movement forward. Don't fight it. Rest when you need to. Go slowly and methodically. Take the time to make your plans, iron out your details, and make sure you are really ready before taking the next step. There is nothing to rush to. The world you thought would be doesn't exist. The new reality is still being created. Trying to rush there will just lead to disappointment and waiting. In which case, you will still have the time to rest and plan.

How do you plan for a new reality? You create it! We invite you to plan differently for 2021. Instead of your normal goals or resolutions, play a new game. What world are you wanting to create? List some of those aspects. What social norms do you want to get rid of? Write those down and burn them—the list, that is. Actively dismantle the ways you limit yourself and others. Dig in and find what fulfills you the most. It could be keeping your 9-5 to have the stability for your family and being able to spend time with them doing fun things. It might be doing a job that doesn't seem like much to others, or pay well, but doesn't fill your life with stress. It might be starting your dream business or following your art. It doesn't matter if it adds greatly to society or not. It does matter if it adds to your peace or not. Create, plan, actively pursue your peace, no matter what others have to say about it. You are the one living your life, not them.

We wish humanity great ease with this rebirth and bless each of you with clarity, peace, and the ability to see the truth in your heart and soul. We invite you to be brave and live your life pursuing joy and peace and have patience through this year. We promise you a magical end is in sight. The more you plan and steadily move through this year, the more magical 2022 will be for you.

So here we are in October 2020...

We are in a slow moving and heavy energy. For instance, I have been trying to write this blog and get it out for over a week now. The message I keep receiving for myself and others is to wait till November. Your motivation will return. This heavy energy we are trying to push forward will be lifted and you will stop experiencing the little set backs. Mars and Mercury both right themselves from retrograde in the beginning of November. Also, the voting portion of the election in the US will be over and people will let go collectively. I’m actually not sure why, but in November the energy starts to flow a little easier again. We are currently experiencing a shift, and a death portal, that will last till the winter solstice. So much change. So many endings. That also makes the energy heavy. So stop pressuring yourself to do more. Stop being angry at the set backs. The little and big trip ups are there to help you slow down and feel. There are a lot of trip ups both figuratively and literally happening. I know 6 people who have injured or broken their foot or ankle in the month of October. People are sick or have computers break, power outages, or lots of other ways the universe is telling us to stop.

I have read a lot about this being a ripe time and how people need to set their intentions. Intentions are always good but I actually disagree a bit with this right now. We have become a society obsessed with the hustle. People stay busy to not feel Or because their self worth is so connected to achieving something. We have forgotten how to just be. We have forgotten how to surrender to what is and find acceptance and peace. We have forgotten the power in being still.

The power of prayer and meditation is not about gaining rewards from the Divine. They are practices to help the mind and body be still so they can align with the soul/spirit. They are about finding peace in your breath. They are about knowing no matter what, you are connected to the Divine in this very moment. You can let go of the struggle and know peace.

I personally get frustrated, pre-Covid but especially now, with how much the new age community and most spiritual communities, focus on helping you attain something you think you lack, instead of finding peace in who you are. We collectively need to stop chasing some perfect relationship, bank account, body, or fill in whatever you believe is lacking. We need to stop chasing happiness and instead celebrate joy and peace in all the places we can find it.

Obviously I have a US perspective, but I mean this for the whole world, this time we are in is pivotal and honestly there is nothing you can do to change it or shift. It’s happening and we just need to ride it.

We are in the break down of many systems. So many of them are taking their last dying breath. It’s not the time to know the next step or the next solution. It’s just time to wait. Let the transition take its natural course so you can make plans on the other side.

Here is what the Fairies have to say:

We understand that so many of you are scared. You don’t understand the changes taking place and it seems like your life is falling apart. It is. All of this is necessary. It may not be fun. It may not be easy. Some of you feel safe and blessed but fear for those around you. This means you have released the things that were needing to go. Just rest now. If you are really struggling physically, or emotionally, or financially, ask yourself what fear keeps you from trust. The struggle is the place where you still want control of your experience. In surrender and acceptance you find the way forward. You also need to rest now and find the strength to lay your burden down. God/the Universe/the One has so much love to bless you with, open to the guidance. Ask us for help, for signs. We will bring them. Choose to rest and let us do some magic in your life. Your brain doesn’t need to figure out how, it just needs to be clear to see the miracle.

The Fairies